The last time we rummaged around Conduits’ self-titled debut we uncovered a song that ended up in our top 3 songs of the year. ‘Top of The Hill’ was of a shoegaze bent, something that might just attain a greater level of currency given the overwhelming hand being dealt by ‘MBV’ from critics and fans alike. But Omaha’s Conduits aren’t overly focused on playing the same trick, true they continually pull from the bastions of ancient indie but they chronicle their inspirations in such lavish ways. ‘Misery Train’ is a case in point, an amalgamation of great sound that ends up attaining greatness in its own right. Conduits always aim for the grand statement and more often than not we greet their songs with open mouthed admiration. They break horses too I’m sure. KD
Conduits – Misery Train
More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Conduits
Year: 2012
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